Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tagonomy Display; features; attributes of tagonomies

See also: Why diorama?

Supposing that we have a definition of a tagonomy (elements, paths, relationships, aliases, semantic meaning versus object storage), then we can display them.

I have two user-interface rules that apply here: 1) information for navigating the system should be accessible and distinguished; 2) the signal-to-noise ratio should be very high.

For visualization, imagine you are wandering around in a world of your favorite zero-information background, and in front of you are high-information tokens, and around you are related token which could be useful if you wish to move towards them. I could see this as a virtual reality walk through a park with some avatars, etc. But for the current proposal, let me have you visualize something a bit more IBM-Gothic.

For Retro, you have a lovely black background, and words in pleasing fonts and readable, gay greens and yellows and whites (or whatever color stylesheet turns you on) get closer and farther away as you get close to them semantically, so that you see the word "eMail" in bright green letters, and it is significant. Or, if you are in the middle of navigation or choosing items from a menu, these are the only objects/words/pictures that are really highlighted and green.

In this space, we are navigating the metadata, the context. We are not storing the objects, we are providing all the information about the objects, the relationships.

- by year
- big font for years
- project inception dates, meeting person dates, most highlighted/visited/priority get biggest font
- by category
- by priority
- by tagonomy and by date as layers

Above a certain size, every object in the space, with its own representation gets its representative node to bump its display size. So each folder in the space has a template or stylesheet that exports size displays.

Displays for an object in a tagonomy:
  • At very small, it is just a word.
  • Next, it is a series of words, and maybe an icon, if icon display layer is on.
  • Next, it becomes a description paragraph, extract, abstract, with picture, like an article or summary.

See also:
Why diorama? Why now? And what is diorama anyway?

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